Connect Groups
Here at Abundant Life Fellowship we are convinced that we are wired for Community. Our relationship with Jesus will grow exponentially as we pursue Him with other people. Connect groups are a great way to get involved and grow & belong. They meet throughout the week in various places & at various times.
To join a group, please click the register here button below the group description.
Second Chance Squad
Sunday’s after 2nd Service
Starts Sept 29th
Ends Nov 24th
We will be sharing a meal and reviewing the message. This is for women of any age who know God is giving a second chance physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Prayer for self and others with exchange of prayer
Madeline Daniel
Perkins Restaurant
The Gospel - The Missing Pieces
Monday’s 6:30 pm
Starts Sept. 30th
This is for long time believers who may be struggling in their walk. We will cover things like, What does it mean to be created in God's image? What really happened when Adam & Eve ate the fruit? We all know Jesus died for our sin, but is that all? What else did he do? What does it mean to make Jesus my Lord? Do I have any value? What is my purpose or do I even have one. What is my destiny or do I even have one? This is a very interactive study covering foundational topics that most of us have missed, causing us to struggle unnecessarily as Christians.
John & Cheri Brownell
1149 W. Woolman
Mama Bears
Contending for the Ones We Love
Tuesday’s 2:30 - 4 pm
Starts Oct 1st
Ends Dec 3rd
For women, not just mothers or grandmothers. Join this book study, "Watchman Prayer - Protecting your family, Home and Community from the Enemy's Schemes". The weapons of our warfare are mighty for the tearing down of strongholds. You don't have to have children to have a Mama Bear heart for others.
6 books are available for $10 each
Dawn Kinzle
Syd Erickson
2760 NYLIC Lane
Understanding Your God-Given Identity
Tuesday’s 6:30 pm
Starts Oct 8th
Ends Nov 19th
This class is based on the study "Knowing Rediscovered" by Jamie Winship. Topics include, The Kingdom of God Rediscovered, Hearing God, Identity, Forgiveness & Confession and Repentance Rediscovered. For both men and women.
Kim & Pat Cooney
Church Basement Kitchen
Yes You Can
Wednesday’s 6:30 pm
Starts Sept. 25th
Ends Dec. 18th
You don't lack the desire, you just need an approach that makes sense and has been proven to work. All it takes is 12-13 pages a day to read the entire Bible through in 90 days. We will meet for 60 90 minutes weekly for accountability, encouragement, and a short video to emphasize what we've been through together.
All you need is a Bible.
You really need to sign up if you want to be there because if we get a big group, it will determine if we need to move to an alternate location.
Mark Ryan
Diane Jangula
320 W Daily
Beginning John
Monday’s 7:00 pm
Starts Sept 30th
Ends Nov 18th
A Bible study on the book of John. We will be studying who Jesus is in our lives.
Dave Baker
Valerie Baker
1827 Gaylord St
The Bait of Satan
Thursday 6:30 - 8:00 pm, bi-weekly
Starts Oct 3rd
Ends Nov 21st
Have you ever been offended by someone? Of course you have! In the book, "The Bait of Satan", John Bevere will help you get free from the trap of the enemy. Join us and get free from bitterness and offenses in your life.
Order book on Amazon
Bait of Satan $12.00
or Free audio book on MessangerX app
Kathy Johnson
Aiyanna Apland
Isaac Goulson
25 N. Lake Dr.
Habitudes: The Art of Leading Yourself
Thursday’s 6:30 pm
Starts Oct 3rd
Ends Nov 21st
Habitudes is a book by Dr. Tim Elmore that combines images, relatable stories, and experiences to teach leadership development and help us grow in healthy Biblical attitudes.
Order book on Amazon
Habitudes: The Art of Leading Yourself
Jordan Teapken
Derick Jaques
1305 S. Main St
Men’s Breakfast
All men are invited to share a meal, build each other up, and develop accountability with one another.
As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another - Proverbs 27:17
2nd Saturday of the Month 7:00 am
Jim Cross
Location: Church Basement
GNO - Girls Night Out
Various places and times
Monthly gathering for women to enjoy fellowship and activities as pot lucks, dinners out, craft outings and more. Sign up to receive notifications on upcoming outings. October will be our fall kick off. Looking forward to seeing you!
Jacque Racosky
CMA- Christian Motorcyclist Association
Monthly meeting for food & fellowship. Weather permitting, weekend rides with the opportunity to minister to the motor sport community. Open to all motorcycles, 4 wheelers, trail riders and side by sides.
Third Monday of the Month 5:30 pm.
Mark Ryan
Location: Pizza Ranch
Praying for our Schools
Various places and times
Do you have a heart for our local schools, students, teachers, support staff and coaches? We will be gathering at various places, days and times to cover our school system in prayer. Sign up to receive a text on location and time!
Jacque Racosky